

I ordered this last year for my 4 year old son (who is now 5 1/2). I thought he'd like it, but wasn't sure what to expect. WOO HOO!! This was so much fun. It was definitely one of "those" toys, where you think to yourself, "This was one of the best $30.00 I've spent.". It's by no means cheap, but, honestly, watching my little guy's excitement every time he opened another door was a delight for me. I incorporated counting, number recognition and the brain-teaser of finding the numbered door. The calendar layout is a scene of the Lego City. The numbered doors are scattered throughout the city, so your child has to hunt for the correct number. I also used this as a way to talk about our family's religious beliefs and what Christmas means to us. For someone like me, who loves the Christmas season, this was a joyful way to bring the holidays into our home all month long.

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