
Image Stabilized Binoculars

Anyone who is really serious about obtaining the best image quality in binoculars should treat themselves to a view through Image Stabilized (IS) optics. Quite simply IS binoculars bring an entire new viewing experience to the user.
The current binocular market is bringing ever improving image quality to both the casual and expert user. Anti reflection coatings, high index BaK4 prisms, and modern ergonomics are all vastly improved. The image from most mid level to upper end binoculars will bring the user sharp, bright, and contrasty views. However, it is a sad fact that even the best image is seriously degraded..... simply by image shake. The amount of detail and fine resolution that can be seen in standard (non IS binocular) is for the most part FLEETING. Even users who boast of a rock steady hold, will be hampered by jitters, oscillation, and image movement. The eye and mind do a great job..... in connecting the dots......but detail is invariably lost and eye strain often results. Sure you can mount your binos on a tripod, but you loose the portability factor...you might as well use a spotting scope. Enter the IS binocular
Images through most modern IS binoculars are an entirely different viewing experience. Detail is magnified without jitters, and the mind and eye can relax ......actually see and enjoy..... rather than interpolate and connect detail. Overall the viewing experience is much more precise and comfortable. Eye strain is greatly diminished. A good pair of IS binoculars will stabilize both high frequency jitters, and longer period oscillations, from body movement or platform shake. All this leads to an image experience LIKE YOU ARE THERE, rather than looking through an optical instrument.
The benefit is much easier to experience then describe. I remember following a commercial airliner in flight with an IS binocular...... I could clearly see the planes rudder.....moving back and fourth.... making subtle adjustments. This view would have been utterly impossible without IS. Pick any resolution target, and the amount of detail that can be pulled from the picture is magnitudes ahead of the handheld view. Even mounted binoculars fall short in comparison. Shake is still added by body movement, breathing, and random oscillations. With good IS all these factors become neutralized. Details pop out like you've never experienced, even compared to a top of the line non IS binocular. I generally I try to compare my IS views to the optically outstanding view I get from my Zeiss 8x30 Milspec binoculars. The detail and contrast afforded through by the Zeiss meets the highest optical standards for resolution and brightness. However that detail ALWAYS falls short of the IS view........... it's not even a fair fight.
Drawbacks to IS?....... Not many. Prices on many IS are now comparable with mid priced NON IS units. Good IS can be obtained for under 400 street price. Top end IS Like Fujinon compares with top end unstablized binoculars. Manufactures such as NEWCON use Russian design, labor, and tooling, to minimize cost and maintain quality. Canon, Fujinon, Nikon, and Bushnell have also done a good job in controlling prices to bring affordable models to the market place. Yes IS units are a bit heavier than traditional binos, but not excessively so. Certainly the portability is still there. Batteries may be required, but typically they don't add much weight, and the cost for a good set of 4 AA rechargeables won't kill anyones budget. Most units are spec'd for HOURS of continuous run time on a single set. NEWCON also makes an outstanding mechanical IS binoculars which require no batteries, but still perform admirably. Some reviewers have complained that you have to engage the IS .....by holding a button...........This, is in my opinion, is a small price to pay for an outstanding image. Many IS models are less bulky than a pair of standard 7x50's
The biggest knock to IS is durability. Parts (gyroscopes and sensors) are moving in these designs, and they may not be the best choice if you are going to be expecting hard knocks during rough use. In fact ia am amazed at how durable IS binoculars are given the complexity of thye designs. Search out a good warranty and treat these units to careful handeling. Buying new is certainly a better option too. You will be amazed at the quality of the images they return back to you.

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